Cookie Statement

Rapidquotes4u is constantly looking for opportunities to improve its services and align them as closely as possible with the wishes and needs of its visitors. Part of this involves the use of cookies. For placing certain types of cookies, Rapidquotes4u will first request permission.

The cookie statement applies exclusively to:

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages of this website and is stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive, smartphone, or other device. The information stored in it can be sent back to our servers during a subsequent visit. Important to know: the use of cookies is safe.

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of a website. For example, they remember the language in which you want to read the website and how you scroll and click through the website. Website owners can use this information to analyze and improve the website. Rapidquotes4u does not use this data to create a profile of its website visitors. No consent is required for placing functional cookies. Rapidquotes4u informs you about the use of functional cookies on the website in the privacy statement.

Statistical cookies

Statistical cookies help us analyze website visits and usage. They remember, for example, how you scroll and click through the website. With this information, we can analyze and improve the website. This includes the use of the number of pages and what users click on.

  • Rapidquotes4u uses the 6 criteria indicated by Google Analytics to act in a privacy-friendly manner based on the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
  • Rapidquotes4u has entered into a data processing agreement with Google.
  • Rapidquotes4u anonymizes the obtained information as much as possible.
  • Rapidquotes4u has disabled the "data sharing with Google" option in the default settings of Google Analytics.
  • Rapidquotes4u informs visitors on its website about the use of Google Analytics and the related purposes.
  • Rapidquotes4u has disabled the User ID feature in Google Analytics.
  • Rapidquotes4u informs the visitor about how Rapidquotes4u uses Google Analytics

google tags managerglc_au90 DaysTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
google tags manager_dc_gtm_UA-19338324-12 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
google tags manager_dc_gtm_UA-19338324-2230 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google AnalyticsSID or HSIDsessionProtects user data against unauthorized access.
Google Analytics_utma, _ga2 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmb30 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmc, _utmz6 MonthsTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gid1 DayTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gat_UA-...10 MinutesTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google AdWordsHSID, APISID, SAPISID, SSID, NID30 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google AnalyticsSID or HSIDSessionProtects user data against unauthorized access.
Google Analytics_utma, _ga2 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmb30 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmc, _utmz6 MonthsTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gid1 DayTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gat_UA-19338324-110 MinutesTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Hotjar_hjSessionUser1 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Hotjar_hjSession1 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Hotjar_hjid1 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.

Marketing cookies (inclusief cookies van derden)

In addition to the aforementioned necessary cookies and statistical cookies, Rapidquotes4u uses marketing cookies. These are cookies from Rapidquotes4u that track behavior on the website. As a result, Rapidquotes4u can display articles that match your interests or the profile you have provided. When you accept these "marketing" cookies, Rapidquotes4u can provide you with products and services that align with the profile you have built. This information is stored on the server of the provider and/or the server that Rapidquotes4u uses. By connecting to social media networks, it is also possible to share information from Rapidquotes4u or third parties. Third parties may include Google, Youtube, Facebook, and similar platforms.

google tags managerglc_au90 DaysTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
google tags manager_dc_gtm_UA-19338324-12 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
google tags manager_dc_gtm_UA-19338324-2230 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google AnalyticsSID or HSIDsessionProtects user data against unauthorized access.
Google Analytics_utma, _ga2 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmb30 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmc, _utmz6 MonthsTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gid1 DayTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gat_UA-...10 MinutesTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google AdWordsHSID, APISID, SAPISID, SSID, NID30 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google AnalyticsSID or HSIDSessionProtects user data against unauthorized access.
Google Analytics_utma, _ga2 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmb30 minutes after sessionTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_utmc, _utmz6 MonthsTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gid1 DayTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Google Analytics_gat_UA-19338324-110 MinutesTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Hotjar_hjSessionUser1 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Hotjar_hjSession1 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.
Hotjar_hjid1 YearTo gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the goal of improving the website and aligning it better with the needs of its visitors.

Match4markets en cookies

Rapidquotes4u handles the obtained information with care and processes it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Rapidquotes4u is not responsible or liable for the cookie usage of third parties. This includes websites that visitors may be redirected to or from which they are redirected to Rapidquotes4u, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Deleting Cookies After Placement

If you want to delete cookies after they have been placed on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone, you can actively remove cookies through your browser settings. Below is a list of the most commonly used browsers and a link to instructions on how to delete cookies in each of them:

Revoking or Adjusting Your Consent for Cookie Placement

If desired, you can revoke or modify the consent you have given on Rapidquotes4u for the placement of cookies. You can do this at any time via this page.

Changes to the Cookie Statement

Our cookie statement may change at any time. Rapidquotes4u closely monitors developments in privacy legislation. If changes occur, we will adapt our statements and declarations accordingly. We will also seek consent again from returning clients.

Questions and Contact

For more information on the protection of personal data, please refer to our privacy statement.

Contact Information

Match4markets B.V.
Bargelaan 16
2333 CT Leiden
Tel: +31 71 568 00 21
Chamber of Commerce (KvK): 51357941